Mobile Applications have their own ecosystem and carry different kind of risk patterns as compared to regular web applications.
Hence, its important to understand how mobile applications work and how they can be compromised by external threats to know how mobile applications can be protected.
However, before we try to get into mobile applications security, we’ll need to get comfortable with how APIs or Application Programming Interfaces work due to the fact that mobile applications rely a lot upon such APIs to perform.
Thus, API Security skill is one of the critical milestones to be acquired after one is well versed with web application security concepts and tools.
Usage of API or Application Programming Interface has increased multifold over last few years and it also poses huge security risks as it usually remains uncovered.
Hence, for all cyber security enthusiasts, its very important to understand how various API models work and how they can be tested and secured.
Once you acquire deep understanding of APIs and API Security, we’ll take you through the fundamentals of Mobile Application & its Security Framework.
With this purpose, we have designed this course which maps to API as well as mobile application security assessment skills being used in the cyber security industry.
In this course, we cover –
Tools for API & OWASP
Postman & Burpsuite
OWASP Top 10 for API
Oauth & JWT
Oauth 2.0
Oauth 2.0 Vulnerabilities
OpenID & JWT
JWT Vulnerabilities
About Android Apps
Android Architecture
Android Components
APK & Its Components
Android App – Static Analysis
Android Testing Environment
Static Mobile App Analysis
Reverse Engg using jadx – Part 1
Reverse Engg using jadx – Part 2
Aptkool & jd-gui
Automatic static analysis
Insecure Data Storage
Insecure Data Storage exploit using DIVA
Deep Link Exploitation
Deep Link Exploit
Dynamic Analysis & Bypass
Dynamic Analysis using FRIDA & Burpsuite
SSL Pinning Bypass using Scrapy, Magisk, ADB, FRIDA, Objection & jadx
Root Bypassing Technique using Scrapy, Magisk, ADB, FRIDA, Objection & jadx
OWASP top 10 for mobile
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