We offer Self Study Courses in 2 categories – FLAGSHIP Courses and SHORT Duration Courses.
FLAGSHIP Courses are aligned to our Flagship Live Batches. These are designed to offer complete set of relevant cyber skills. 
SHORT Duration Courses are small modules created from the FLAGSHIP Courses which can help those who wish to learn one small subset of cyber skill at a time.  

All the courses have three levels of skills as well – Foundation, Professional & Expertise
Foundation is for beginners, Professional aligned to fresher level skillset in cyber security and Expert level for advanced layers of skills. 
Additionally, some of our courses are FREE and you can start them immediately. We also offer a few Non-Cyber courses which you may find interesting. 

Networking Basics
Foundation for Beginners

Networking Basics | NWB | Self Study

Learn Fundamentals of Networking for Cyber Security
Advanced Attacks on Server
Intermediate for Professional

Advanced Attacks on Server | AAoS | Self Study

Advanced Attacks on Server
XML Attacks
Intermediate for Professional

XML Attacks | XMLa | Self Study

XML Attacks
Code Execution on Server
Intermediate for Professional

Code Execution on Server | CEoS | Self Study

Code Execution on Server
SQL Injection
Intermediate for Professional

SQL Injection | SQLi | Self Study

SQL Injection
Authentication & Authorization Attacks
Intermediate for Professional

Authentication & Authorization Attacks | AAA | Self Study

Authentication & Authorization Attacks
Client Side Attacks - Basic
Intermediate for Professional

Client Side Attacks – Basic | CSAB | Self Study

Client Side Attacks - Basic
Web AppSec Toolkit Basic
Foundation for Beginners

Web AppSec Basic Tools | WABT | Self Study

Web application security assessment tools
Session Management & Attacks
Foundation for Beginners

Session Management & Attacks | SMA | Self Study

Session Management & Session Attacks
Web AppSec Testing Process
Foundation for Beginners

Web AppSec Testing Process | WAST | Self Study

Web Application Security Testing Process