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Rs 280 (After Discount)


Mobile Applications have their own ecosystem and carry different kind of risk patterns as compared to regular web applications.

Hence, its important to understand how mobile applications work and how they can be compromised by external threats to know how mobile applications can be protected.

With this purpose, we have designed this course which maps to the actual mobile application security assessment skills being used in the cyber security industry.

In this course, we cover the key concepts behind Android Mobile Application Ecosystem and the related security aspects –

  • Basics of Android
  • Data Storage on Android
  • Static Mobile Application Analysis
  • Data Storage Vulnerabilities Exploitation
  • Deep Link Exploitation
  • Dynamic Mobile Application Analysis
  • Mobile OWASP Top 10 – 2016
  • Demonstration of various tools including jadx, aptkool, jd-gui, diva, frida, burpsuite, scrapy, magisk, adb & objection

Start the course now and enjoy the learning.

About the Instructors

25+ Years Business and Operations experience into IT, Cyber Security & Business Development.